Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My Intention for Making Mindful Meals

My intention for making this blog, is to focus on the joy that comes from shopping for, caring for, and preparing food.  Sometimes, I think we can feel that meal preparations are a chore, and we can feel stressed and resentful about the whole process of planning, shopping for, and preparing our food.  My focus for this year is to find more joy in this process, from choosing what is on my grocery list, seeking out the freshest, locally grown and raised foods, to the cooking and eating of my meals.  I have enjoyed cooking and eating my whole life, but have started to feel bogged down by making meals too complicated with preparations, exotic condiments and sauces, and in the process, have lost the joy I once found in making food. So, this blog is a sort of personal search for what feels simple, yet fulfilling, in the way of food, for me.  My original intention for blogging was to document what recipes I created from my little Community Garden space, and other fresh local foods from the Farmer's Market, but as I've talked with friends about the process of cooking, what I really feel passionate about is inspiring others to enjoy the process of choosing and preparing food, and truly being mindful of the whole process, from growing/shopping to eating.  So, I'm taking a  little different twist on my original idea.  This seems a good way to begin the year, as well as a way to keep me on task.  I'm as curious as any to see how it evolves!


  1. hi mindful
    it seems interesting
    i'll drop by soon to c how it evolves

  2. Fantastic. I need to stop and enjoy the process much more. I always feel stressed and rushed to get a meal on the table that sometimes I am not always joyful about it.
